Should I Choose Medicine Or Dentistry?

This is a question at University Expert where we often get asked, especially near the UCAS deadlines. It is quite rightly an important question and therefore we will cover this in some detail to make sure that you make the right choice.

Medical School Interview Basic Questions

Before you go into your forthcoming medical school interview, you must be able to answer a basic question which is what you think a doctor is. This question can come in different disguises such as being asked what are the challenges of a doctor, what are the disadvantages of a doctor, what are the benefits of being a medical professional or what you understand is the role of a doctor.

Black female doctor student wearing a lab coat with book

How To Gain Confidence With Your Medical School Interview

Two students attend their medical school interview and produce the same answers to set questions. One gets a place and the other is given a rejection. This will often be as a result of how their confidence levels are perceived by the university interviewer. In this article, we will look at ways in which you can appear confident when asked questions within your medical school interviews.

Dentistry MMI Questions & Answers

Dentistry MMI Questions & Answers

In dentistry MMI type of interviews which many dental admission departments use, you will be presented to discuss and elaborate on at least one station with an ethical dilemma. Dentistry schools are testing your knowledge of ethics within dental care and also your communication skills in the MMI interview.

Useful Tips For UCAT Dentistry

Useful Tips For UCAT Dentistry

Regular practice every day using a question bank has been proven to be more effective than intense revision of past questions a few days before your Dental UCAT exam. One of the basics is how you are reading the actual questions presented. There are two techniques.