UCAT Tutoring for Dentistry
If you need...
- To get up to a 700+ score
- 1:1 training with an experienced “Top Percentile” tutor
- A Rapid Boost in Confidence
- Practice with instant feedback
- Save time using guaranteed methods
- Sessions to fit in with your timetable
Discover how we have prepared students just like you to secure your place at Dental school. And how we can help you too
Did you know that more than 55% of Dental School applications are rejected straightaway. The number 1 reason is a LOW UCAT SCORE.
A common scenario we see time and time again is students spending hours upon hours, day after day doing 1000s of UCAT questions or even worse paying for expensive Classroom based tuition courses without improving.
How can we help
Improve Fast..
If you have an upcoming UCAT test or you are getting ready for one, we at, University Expert specialize in helping students improve their scores FAST.
So if you need help then perhaps you should contact us.
There’s no obligation. No future commitment. Just the opportunity for you to see if we can help you secure your place at a dental school.
After speaking with you, we’ll quickly be able to tell which areas you need the most advice and practice with.
And when you use our services you’ll…
- Get an immediate improvement in the first 20 minutes.
- You will know what areas you can focus on.
- Increase your chances dramatically.
In short, you’ll have the confidence and skills to obtain a high 700+ score.
Your next step
FREE no obligation initial assessment.
We only take on a limited number of new students at any one time. That’s so we can focus on getting the best results for each student with a personalised plan of action. So if you want to get ready for your dental university interview, Contact us today. It only takes 60 seconds. Do it right now while it’s fresh in your mind. We look forward to speaking with you.
We invite you to contact us for a FREE initial no-obligation chat to discover how we can best advise you.
There’s NO future commitment and you’re NOT going to be sold to.
We guarantee..
That if you don’t feel your first session gave you an immediate worthwhile improvement; you can have that session for FREE. No questions asked.