What is the one aspect of your personal statement you would like us to overlook?
University Expert Answer/Discussion:
This question requires a highly individualized answer. You yourself will know the gaps in your personal statement and things you’d probably like to avoid discussing.
It could be thought of as a limitation question or talk about one of your weaknesses.
It’s best to own up to what they will know or find out anyway and re-frame into how the challenge made you grow and improve. The limitation could be the low grade in a subject, the gap in extracurricular activities or lack of work experience. However, whatever that weak spot might be, you address it by re-framing it with a growth mindset.
As long as you are able to show that you were able to recognise and learn from the experience you cannot be penalised but you must be careful that you don’t shoot yourself in the foot by highlighting a point that causes them concern with your application.
While preparing for your interview have a scenario ready and ask yourself, how did this happen, was there anything beyond your control, what did you learn, why this has made you a better person now for having gone through such an experience? If you haven’t come across the STAR technique, look it up and then prepare your response.
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